Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Hola mi Mama!!
I miss you so much!! But I am doing fantastic!! lol!! Life is so good!! That is great to hear about
Grandpa!! Did he get his letter?? By the
way, I sent a letter to the house for Kelsey, please get that and a BOM to her. Sorry to hear about
Uncle Steve... Do not worry about the package Mama, it will get here soon. ;) I
am sure Jaycie was a stud up there on
the stands!! Tell her I love her and wish
her the best!! How are you doing Mama?? Are you okay?? I worry about you daily.
Hope all is well!! Love you lots Mama!! Rachael! Way to work hard and get it
done!! I am so proud of you!! I did not play hockey in school... Keep it up
sis!! Love you lots!! Ryan!! lol!! You crack me up buddy!! It is true you can
lose a lot when you do not do anything, keep working hard!! And way to go to a
missionary fireside!! That is one of the best things you could do to prepare!!
It is a battlefield out here, but you never lose, it is only winning!! ;) Love you
buddy!! Well fam, this week was great!! My Spanish is coming along great!! I am
more and more fluent every day, and I even had a dream the other night in
Spanish!! lol!! Funny story, during personal study, we looked out the window of
our classroom and saw a flatbed semi with stationary bikes on it, and there was
loud music and a biking class going on while the truck was moving!! It was
insane!! I laughed!! Then today I saw a guy carrying one of those like 5 foot propane
tanks on his motorcycle... only in Guatemala... lol!! So today we moved out of
the casa and into the CCM because worldwide temple visitors need the casa. So I am now living with Latinas, and I will let
you know how that goes... lol. My
exchange companion for this transfer was Hermana Maye and I love her to death!!
She is so flipping cute!! She stands about 4 foot 9, has the sweetest smile and
super-fast Spanish!! Love her!! She taught me so much!! We watched a devotional
this week and it was that MTC talk that Michael always talked about when he was
in the MTC by Elder Holland, Don{t you dare go home. LOVED IT!! Elder Holland
is a BOSS!! I love how direct he is, but he is also so tender and so loving!!
Amazing man. Oh!! On Sunday, I gave a
prayer in front of ALL the sisters in Spanish!! I am super proud of myself!!
The only sad thing this week was one of the Norte hermanas went home due to
anxiety and homesickness. It was really sad... I couldn’t imagine going home,
especially now... it broke my heart. Anyway, but it was a great week!! Mama, could
you send Hermana Bond some pumpkin cookies when she is out in the field?? She
loves pumpkin and there is NO pumpkin here in Central America. lol. I
will send her address. I am in the field in 2 weeks!! Crazy!! I cannot believe
I have been out a month!! The time has absolutely flown!! It is amazing and I
am so grateful to be here!! I bear my testimony that this church is true, and
is RAPIDLY growing. We have 39 more Nortes coming tomorrow and around 100
Latinos coming. The CCM is FULL!! How can anyone say the work will be stopped??
It simply can’t. There are so many young adults willing to give up their time
to serve the Lord and do His work and it is truly beautiful. We all left a lot behind to come do this, and
like Elder Holland said, I am going to pull my socks up to my armpits and get
to work!! That is what I came here to do and I am going to do it and I am going
to do it hard and I am going to do it right!! Because I love this work, I love
this gospel and I love the Lord God Almighty with all my heart and soul!! This
is the best thing I have ever chosen to do and I thank the Lord every day for this
opportunity!! Well time is short, but remembers this, and do everything you can
to spread His work, for it is the reason why we are ALL here. :) I love you all with every fiber of my
being!! Have a great week!!
Love, Hermana Belnap
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Hola Familia!
Mama, I am sorry I am
not there to help you with Grandpa. I totally would, and I feel bad I cannot be
there, it scares me something will happen.
I am sending him a letter this week, sending it to you, so if you could
please get it to him. I am doing great,
just really antsy and ready for the field. I have been told the MTC is harder
than the field itself, and I am starting to believe it. Anyway, all is well,
working hard every day and feeling the spirit. I love it!! Sissy, the lady I
gave my BOM to talked nice and slow for me... lol. She was a sweetheart. Loved
her. Ryan, that is awesome about the gym!! Way to be!! Daddy I am so sorry
about Uncle Donald. Wish I was there.
Glad you got to talk to some cousins.
Thank you for your advice and your love, that is what gets me through
the week. I thought I would email you guys yesterday, but they change our p day
every week, so just email me by Tuesday and I will get back to you guys!! I was
going to email you Daddy on your birthday yesterday, but that did not work out
like I wanted. But, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!!!!!! I hope you had a wonderful day
full of laughter, love and happiness!! I thought about you the whole day
yesterday, thinking that if I was home, I would have taken you to Javiers, ice
cream, a movie then a 4 wheeler ride!! But, we will do that when I am home!! :)
The lady I gave my BOM to, I forgot to tell you this awesome bit, she told us
she had a dream about 2 angels, and that Hermana Bond and I reminded her of
those two angels!! How cool is that! Last Saturday I taught a lesson on the
Plan of Salvation ALL BY MYSELF in Spanish!!! I was super proud of myself and I
am finally starting to feel like I can do this easier than I thought I would be
able to. Sunday was an incredible day
too full of the Spirit. We sang a Childs
Prayer in sacrament in spanish and we did great. My district and I sang the EFY Medley in
Spanish last night for devotional and the Spirit was way strong. Last week we got 29 new Nortes!! Craziness!!
So in our casa now we have 26 girls living together with only 6 showers and IT
IS HARD!!! But all good, they are all sweet and we have fun!! It’s like Girls
Camp!! lol!! Our goal as a district is to always carry a BOM with our testimony
inside so we can give it to people we pass on the street. Hopefully today I can place another. With the new Nortes and Latinos. I am officially half way done with the CCM!!
And I have heard nothing but good things from Pres. Brough and his wife!! I am
so excited to meet them!! Everytime I see their pic or think about them, I just
get a very peaceful and happy feeling, it makes me comfortable. Now familia, I
want to bear you my testimony, I know I am here for a reason and that the Lord
called me here for a reason. When I was
struggling with a rotten attitude and feeling sorry for myself, I had to
repent. I had no right to feel that way or think that way because I can do
this, if I could not, He would not have sent me here. The Lord has faith in me,
shouldn’t. The people I have met so far
have taught me much and were people I was supposed to meet. I have already felt
the blessings and seen the blessing for this decision I have made, and I am
already a very different person than I was 3 weeks ago. Who will I be in 18 months. I am excited for the day when I walk off that
plane and walk into all of your arms in a tight embrace as a whole new person,
a better person. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. I hope
you all have a great week and have fun and feel the Spirit in your lives!! I
Love, Hermana Belnap :)
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Holo familia!
Thank you so much Daddy for your advice, it helps a lot!! I love you!! Mama, I am so sorry about Grandpa, I wish I was there to help. Tell him I love him and I am praying for him and tell Uncle Owen I love him too. Are you okay. I am praying for you too. I love you Mama!! Well familia, this week was kind of a rough week for me and my whole district, emotionally. We were all being hard on ourselves and getting a little discouraged, whether it was with the language, why we are here or missing home... just lots of things. But one day I was thinking about it, and I called myself to repentance because I have no business feeling sorry for myself. The Lord called me here for a reason, and He knows I can do this so why shouldn't I. We are all doing great now and we have had some fun times and good laughs. Today we went on a tour of the city and we were at the Guatemala Plaza and we each placed our first Book of Mormons!! The lady I gave mine to was a complete sweetheart named Rosa, very family oriented and spiritual. She's golden!! My Spanish is really coming along, I have taught and prayed in Spanish this whole week!! Also, if you or anyone else wants to write me letters, use, it is free and faster because it is through the internet. Just get on the website type in my name and mission and you can send a letter. If you send hard letters or packages, they say DO NOT put Jesus or the virgin Mary on them. Just put Hermana Belnap and they will leave it alone. P days are on Tuesday now, and I will leave the CCM on April 2, so in 4 weeks from today. Please send me stamps, I need stamps. They use American stamps if I send letters to America. Today was the best day giving that BOM to that lady... now I know why missionaries are always so happy and positive. This is the best feeling in the world. I love this!! But I can{t wait to be doing it every day instead of being stuck in the CCM!! I want to talk to people!! LOL!! Anyway, Sorry I don't get a lot of time to write you guys, it will be better when I am out in the field, I think I get an hour, but I know for sure I get more than 30 minutes. Anyway, hope you guys have a great week and you stay safe!! I'm praying for all of you and I am praying for Grandpa. Keep him close. Love you all more than you can ever know!!!!!!!!
Te amo!! Love,
Hermana Belnap
Te amo!! Love,
Hermana Belnap
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